Diversity DEI Recruitment Inclusion HR Strategy Hiring Executive Search

DEI Recruitment

All organizations aspire to make their workplace more diverse in order to have high-performing teams as research and studies have demonstrated that diverse organizations perform better. Hiring bias though has become a significant problem in business. So, how can organizations reduce bias in talent acquisition processes and apply DEI strategies to recruitment?

Let’s explore how companies can ensure Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in the hiring process.

1. Crafting Job Descriptions.

Make sure to include specific demographics. Most employers often unwarily exclude some groups of people through the language used and the demographic targeted. Using gender or industry -specific language could make some candidates feel marginalized or excluded from the process. An example of clear, gender-neutral language would be using “chairperson” rather than “chairman.”

2.Train those involved in a job interview.

It’s important to rely on recruiters who are aware that they are operating using heuristics (mental shortcuts) that accidentally benefit some candidates more than others. If your people manage the entire hiring process or if they only meet the candidates at a later stage, it’s important to have them trained in recognizing bias and avoiding hiring practices that may be unfair.

3. Bling Hiring.

This practice is becoming more common and it basically involves hiding all identifiable characteristics from a resume unrelated to the job or experiences needed for success. This ensures that our brains are not influenced by any kind of stereotypes when screening the resumes.

4. Set DEI measurable goals.

This is crucial and should align with your organization strategy. For example, if your objective is to expand internationally, your recruitment strategy should focus on a variety of linguistic skills and cultural inclusion. Measurable objectives include increasing the diversity of your candidate pool or ensuring diverse representation on hiring panels. Make sure your recruiters or your hiring partner use such approach. It will be important for recruiters or anyone in charge of the interviews to have received training about different cultures to limit cultural biases or uncontrolled misunderstandings or stereotypes judgments.

5. Implement exclusive and diverse branding & marketing.

As mentioned above it’s important that the DEI recruitment goals align with the overall strategy, and this also means creating campaigns and promotional materials that feature people from a variety of identities and backgrounds. Accurately depicting workplace diversity in branding content signals to candidates from minority communities that they will see themselves valued & belonging within your organizational culture and they will more likely apply.

6. Choose your hiring partner.

It is important to choose a recruitment partner who shares your DEI strategy and approaches candidates knowing of the potential bias, using all means to reduce it, and helping you reach your DEI goals.

Does your organization already apply all these suggested actions and strategies?

Gaia Urati